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Kansas Expressway Church of Christ

This congregation has always been interested in the spread of the Gospel of Christ. Souls are of great importance to the leadership and members of this family of God. We take the great commission given by our Lord very seriously. He said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned" (Mark 16:15-16). Below are the mission efforts that we are presently overseeing:
Global Schools of Biblical Studies - The Global Schools of Biblical Studies is made of five different schools of preaching in five different countries around the world. Our oldest school was planted in 1988 in Zambia and our newest school was established in 2021 in Kenya
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The Bible Institute of Missouri - Established in August of 2003, the Bible Institute of Missouri, as part of the Global Schools of Biblical Studies, is a program of advanced Bible studies for the training of gospel preachers and to aid brethren in seeking a more in-depth study of God's word.
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The Living Word Program - Since April of 1970, the Living Word Program has aired on KOLR television station in the Springfield, Missouri area. It can be viewed each Sunday morning at 7:30 on channel 10.